Inorganic methods in environmental analysis laboratory practice      3 kredit
Program, beosztás
Általános információk

The aim of the laboratory practice is the application of the already studied methods of classical and instrumental analytical chemistry for environmental analysis and assessment. For example: how a permanganometric titration can be used to determine the chemical oxygen demand of a surface water sample, or to measure the hydrogen carbonate content of the same sample by a conventional acid base titration. The focus is therefore not particularly on the methods, but on their environmental analytical relation. Environmental analytical chemistry is the scientific study of the chemical and biochemical phenomena that occur in natural places. It is an interdisciplinary science that includes atmospheric, aquatic and soil chemistry, as well as heavily relying on analytical chemistry and being related to environmental and other areas of science. In the framework of the laboratory practice you will work with samples that are provided in a ready to use form (dried soil and plant), but there will be water samples that you need to take from the lake located in the Botanical garden.

In the laboratory you will work in groups, all the results gained can be shared but individual laboratory reports are necessary to be submitted. Bring an exercise book to take notes and register the primer data, but the laboratory report containing calculated results and their discussion, together with the introduction and used materials/methods must be prepared electronically and submitted online in the e-learning system. You have one occasion to solve one practice, which means 6 hours (12:00-18:00). Experiments can be carried out in a chosen order but the instructors will give you advice to best organize your work. The laboratory report must contain an “introduction”, a “metarials and methods”, a “results” and a “discussion” section. All the calculated experimental data should be included in a clear form, in tables and/or figures. In the discussion you need to thoroughly conclude the results, not only place the experimental data. Reveal environmental relations and correlations, compare your results with environmental and health standards. Do literature work to build up the conclusions. Electronic reports must be submitted in the e-learning system until the next Tuesday of 16 pm.

Every occasion will start with a short test based on the given material: questions will be related to the background of the experiments, the procedures and calculations. Your final grade will be the average of the 4 short test results and the 4 marks given to the submitted laboratory reports. However, your laboratory work will also be considered.

COVID 19: Please keep the distance as much as possible, wear face mask and use hand sanitizers. 

When you need to go to the Botanical garden for sampling, please check the weather forecast and dress up accordingly, as even if the weather is bad you need to take the water samples.

Practice 4
